The Jupiter Myth - Lindsey Davis
The Jupiter
Myth is the 14th in this very long running
Roman detective series, and remarkably, I think it's one of the best. Surely
Davis has got to start letting standards slip soon? I mean, 14th in a series?
Usually I'd run away screaming from such an obviously over-milked cash
The Jupiter
Myth picks up right after
A Body In The Bath
House, with our now respectable Falco and
Helena stopping in Londinium for a few days to visit Helena's important
relatives. Her uncle, Flavius Hilaris, whom we know from much earlier in the
series, is the procurator of finance for Britain, and the only man in the Empire
who thought Falco and Helena should be
As is usual for Falco, things
go wrong immediately. The exile from his previous case never made it to Gaul; he
has been found dead, in a well. As a henchman of King Togidubnus, his death is a
diplomatic problem. Falco
him is part of the problem. Worse, solving this murder uncovers, naturally, a
wider web of corruption, both civil and military. Oh, and Maia and Petro are
feuding, Maia is attracting dodgy men again, Helena is picking up strays, Falco
can't get a decent meal or a find a decent bath-house, and the weather is
London and gangsters, it's a
classic setting. Throw it back to AD 75 and it's still good - although I do feel
that this read as too self-consciously modern. The Falco series has never
pretended to be rigourously historical; it's unashamedly hard-boiled crime
fiction transplanted to ancient Rome. Still, this volume sometimes reads as very
contemporary, and without the familiarity and colour of Rome, some of the
characteristic atmosphere is lost. However, this minor problem is more than made
up for by the rest of the novel. The plotting is pretty decent, though it does
rely on a slightly creaky central conceit relating to the title, but where Davis
really scores with this is taking her vast cast of characters, and previous plot
threads, and pulling them
Pretty soon the murder plot
has sprouted complications, and with the addition of a few old friends, an old
girlfriend, a new romance or two, some old enemies and corrupt legions we have
the makings of a hugely enjoyable book. One which climaxes with a marvellous, if
slightly unbelievable, set piece in an arena, featuring a chariot racing
This is a much darker effort
than many of the Falco novels; for much of the book the states, both political
and personal, are high. People get hurt, people die. Relationships, the core of
this soap opera-ish (in a good way) series, are changed.
The Jupiter
Myth is much more successful than, say,
An Ode To A
Banker, as a result. The feeling of mean
streets is back, with Falco being in real peril, and really hurting from the
plot developments. The difference is that hard-man Falco is no longer on his
own; he has attachments now. That gives him weaknesses...
The darker tone isn't to say that the
trademark humour isn't still there; the dialogue is as tight as ever, with the
world-weary, sarcastic pairing of Falco and Petro only too aware of all of any
irony in their situations, however desperate... and yes, now and again Falco's
asides on his newest problems slip into slight corniness, but that's something I
in a hard-boiled
there's one thing I enjoy, it's being stuck up a blind alley in a grim province
on a gloomy evening, while an unknown number of the military prepare to
disembowel me." Okay, okay, so he's also kind
to small children and bees in trouble, but that line sums up much of what I read
Falco for.
If you are going to read the 14th in a
series, you obviously
that series, and probably just need reassured that the quality hasn't slipped.
Having me tell you that The Jupiter
Myth is great is probably completely
unnecessary, but I'm going to do it anyway.
The Jupiter
Myth is great.
Posted: Sun - August 10, 2003 at 12:06 AM